Welcome to the San Diego Alumnae Chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta.
Kappa Alpha Theta was founded in 1870 as the first Greek Letter Fraternity for women.
Theta provides the finest and most rewarding membership experience and we support our
members to learn, grow, and excel. Founded in 1928, the San Diego Alumnae Chapter provides
a social experience for local Thetas and offers a chance to participate in local philathropy
events in San Diego County.
Theta is for a lifetime. Yesterday, today, and tomorrow, Kappa Alpha Theta exists
to nurture each member throughout her college and alumnae experience and to
offer a lifelong opportunity for social, intellectual, and moral growth as she
meets the higher demands of mature life.
Membership:: How
to join.Events:: Information about the type of events we hold and our schedule.Media Room::
Pictures, Newsletters, CASA, and more!Contact Us:: Questions for a certain officer? We'd
love to hear from you!